Oral Calcium Suspension

Magical 200ml
Oral calcium suspension
Each 5ml contains Calcium 100mg
Phosphorus 51.5mg
Vitamin D3 401.U.
Vitamin B12 5mcg
Excepients q.s
For stronger bones For healthy skin & better muscuar health Prevention of reckits & ketosis.
Puppies – 5ml twice a day Adult Dogs – 10ml twice a day.



Magical 200ml
Oral calcium suspension
Each 5ml contains Calcium 100mg
Phosphorus 51.5mg
Vitamin D3 401.U.
Vitamin B12 5mcg
Excepients q.s
For stronger bones For healthy skin & better muscuar health Prevention of reckits & ketosis.
Puppies – 5ml twice a day Adult Dogs – 10ml twice a day.